Mimi Franco, HS Junior, Part-time Programmer & Full-Time Artist

Miscellaneous Animes

And though some anime’s are on my top 5, it does not mean that my other list was meaningless, I take inspiration from many of them, having some of their art style connected to me as I still go on my way to making up my own. Most of the different art I do I try to do with more of a change, giving it a feel.

Through the way of trying not to have a skeleton when drawing, and to the times I try not to use the guiding lines. Was really due to how I would see most of my favorite art. The best way in having and making this art, I would need practice.

Ocean's Song

"Deep into the water!"

Two Hitachiin twins

"Its the shrug."

Little boy

"First day of school, you go in like a champ!"


"My- I think I've found another little rat!"